Simple Ham Radio Antennas-Balcony Antenna for 7, 10,14 MHz. Post #955.

Balcony Antenna for 7, 10, 14 MHz
Accessed on 18 November 2016, 04:45 hrs, UTC.
Author:  Valerei Prodenov (UR5WCA).
Please click the title link or insert the title URL into your browser search box to read the full article.

Here's another great idea for an antenna suitable for a crowded urban area or in places where HOAs and CC&Rs limit the type of ham radio antennas available.

Valerei does an excellent job of describing his vertical helix antenna which covers the 7, 10, and 14 MHz amateur radio bands.  He includes a list of materials and some helpful construction hints.

I still use a vertical helix for 80 meter operations.  I feed my vertical helix with 450 ohm ladder line which terminates in a 4:1 balun/manual "tuner" arrangement.  Over the past few months, I've managed to lay approximately 25 quarter wave ground radials to improve the low efficiency of the antenna.  With a decent radial system, a vertical helix can do quite well. The only drawback with the vertical helix antenna is the narrow bandwidth which requires frequent "tuner" adjustments.

Valerei has assembled a nice, fairly stealthy vertical antenna which performs well for its limitations.
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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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