Rebuild MFJ 1622 Apartment Antenna for Ham Radio
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: This is post 2575 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Thanks to the "North Caroline Prepper" for this excellent rebuilding project. As the author points out, the MFJ-1622 Apartment Antenna can be improved with a few basic changes. The antenna covers 80 meters through 2 meters by varying the tap on the loading coil and by adding a few more radial wires. Here are some general comments about the rebuilding process: Rebuilding and repairing a Rebuild MFJ 1622 Apartment Antenna for Ham Radio that I had in storage for a while. The Coax is kind of cheep. A better quality coax would get better improvement. Also if you cut a counterpoise for each band instead of rolling and unrolling the one counterpoise It will hear better. In fact, if you cut a few counterpoises for say 40 meters it will really perform well. ----- Thanks for joinin...