
Showing posts from April, 2018

KC9OLF ARRL Field Day Antenna Build. Post #1478.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: This video from "campindave1" show the step-by-step process of designing, building, and operating a multi-band HF dipole for the 2013 ARRL Field Day.  Members of the Owatonna Steel County Amateur Radio Club take you from the basic materials to the finished product in a few short minutes.  Simple, easy-to-build HF dipole antennas can perform very well if they are at least 1/2 wavelength above ground.  This video does a good job of showing the actual building process. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these sites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). (Amateur Radio News & Information). http://www.southgatea

Simple Multi-Band Vertical Dipole. Post #1477.

Simple Multi-Band Vertical Dipole. Author:  DJ0IP. Accessed on 30 April 2018, 0005 UTC, Post #1477. Please click link or insert title URL into your browser search box. Comment: If you have a limited area to erect a multi-band HF Dipole Antenna, you may want to consider this vertical HF dipole antenna from DJ0IP. The illustration provided by DJ0IP provides all of the information you need to design, build, and operate this simple, elegant design. Here's the list of  basic materials for this antenna: A telescoping fiberglass antenna mast 12 meters/39.36 ft long.  DJ0IP uses a Spider Beam fiberglass pole to support the antenna. 6 meters/19.68 ft of wire for each antenna element for a total of 12 meters/39.36 feet. A homemade antenna center insulator.  Each antenna element is wrapped in a loose spiral for each half of the fiberglass pole. A convenient length of 450 ohm open wire feed line. A balanc

N9SAB Half Square Antenna-Field Test. Post #1476.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Excellently presented test of N9SAB's 20 meter Half Square Antenna by "Outdoors On The Air."  While the half square antenna is a bit more complex than a simple random wire or dipole, it does show some gain (around 3dB) broadside over a dipole antenna.  In this video, "Outdoors On The Air" assembles, erects, and uses a half square antenna built by N9SAB, and shows the DX capability of this phased vertical array despite being only 20 feet/6.097 meters above ground. While the antenna can be erected by yourself, you may need some help to make sure the antenna elements are properly supported and aligned.  Although the half square can be used in portable operations, it may be best suited for a permanent installation. Over the past several years, the Big Island Amateur Radio Club (Hawaii Island) has used half square antennas fo

Ask Dave #92-Exploring the Yagi, Log Periodic, and Phases Array. Post #1475.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: An exceptionally well-done, clear, and simple tutorial covering the theory, design, construction, and use of three popular gain-type antennas--the Yagi, the Log Periodic, and the Phased Array.  Dave Casler (KE0OG) supplements his presentation with easy-to-follow illustrations and valuable construction suggestions for radio amateurs interested in attaining better antenna performance. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these web sites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). (Amateur Radio News & Information) Be sure to check the blog sidebars for more antenna and pro

Super Antenna MP1 Horizontal Dipole For Portable Ham. Post #1474.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here's another great antenna for portable or emergency HF operations, including the upcoming ARRL Field Day on 23-24 June 2018.  In this video, Julian (OH8STN) does an exceptionally fine job of showing us how to assemble, configure, and use the "Super Antenna MP1DXMAX."  This rotatable horizontal dipole offers excellent directivity, something that will prove useful during contests and portable operations such as field days, camping trips, and SOTA (Summits On The Air) events. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). (Amateur Radio News &a

Field Day 2016-Yaesu FT-817 QRP HF Portable. Post #1473.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: If you can't join a local Amateur Radio club for the upcoming ARRL Field Day (23-24 June 2018), why not operate solo from your backyard or the nearest public park?  Over the past several years, I've done just that because of employment conflicts or family matters. In this video from "Outdoors On The Air", we see what can be done with a simple, portable antenna, some good camping gear, and a small QRP rig such as the Yaesu FT-817 ND.  You can opt for the antenna described in this video or you can bring along a pre-made dipole or inverted vee antenna for your station.  You don't need much to get on the air and enjoy this annual Amateur/Ham Radio event.  Of course, there's not much you can do about hot, sticky summer weather or the persistent problem of biting insects.  Bring some insect repellant, some extra food, and p

Portable HF Antenna For Field Day. Post #1472.

Portable HF Antenna For Field Day. Post 1472. Author:  John Huggins (KX4O). Accessed on 24 April 2018, 2004 UTC, Post #1472. Please click link  or enter title URL into your browser search box to read the full article. Comment: I'm always looking for new antenna ideas, especially when the ARRL Field Day rolls around (23-24 June 2018).  I discovered this fascinating article by John Huggins (KX4O) during a cursory glance through the website. According to John, this post is a "discussion of (the) asymmetrical hatted-dipole antenna, a portable antenna that can be used for field day, sota, campings, or even for fixed installations..." John adds that the AHDA is a "free standing 20-10 meter antenna that is really easy to build...and easy to carry." John takes you step-by-step through the de

Inverted L Antenna for the TOP Band. Post #1471.

Inverted L Antenna for the TOP Band. Post #1471. Author:  AI4JI. Accessed on 23 April 2018, 2129 UTC. Please click link to read the full article. Comment: Now that the solar minimum is with us, radio amateurs are exploring contacts on the lower HF bands, such as 40, 80, and 160 meters.  LF and VLF enthusiasts are equally busy experimenting with antennas for 630 meters (472 kHz) and 2200 meters (137 kHz). Antennas for these bands tend to be large and present coil and matching problems, resulting in low efficiency and power loss. According to AI4JI, an inverted L Antenna designed for 160 meters (the TOP Band) can circumvent some of the more difficult matching problems.  In this brief post, AI4JI outlines a simple 160 meter inverted L Antenna built with commonly available parts, including 14 AWG stranded copper wire, three insulators, a 300pf-500pf variable capacitor, and a simple ground radial system.  For single band, 1

How to make a Ham Radio Speaker Wire Antenna. Post #1470.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:// A field portable or emergency HF antenna doesn't have to be fancy, expensive, or heavy.  In this video from KG6HQD, we learn how an antenna designed for SOTA operations (Summits On The Air) evolved into a simple, practical, and inexpensive HF antenna for both home and field use.  Although the speaker wire antenna was designed for the 20 meter band, KG6HQD says his new Elecraft KX2 can work stations from 40 through 10 meters "with ease."  If you're looking for a good portable HF antenna, consider using ordinary speaker wire for the antenna elements.  You can make one of these antennas for emergency home use and another for portable or field use.  For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekl

Modeling the Simple Inverted Vee Antenna, #102. Post #1469.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser searchbox: One of my favorite HF antennas is the classic inverted vee dipole--simple, effective, and inexpensive.  In this video from David Cassler (KE0OG), we get a full tutorial on this basic antenna which still serves radio amateurs today. Dave says a few basic antenna modeling tools, such as EZNEC+, reveal a lot of vital information about this popular HF antenna, including the effect of height over ground, the amount of spreading between elements, and the type of mast used to support the inverted vee.  A properly designed inverted vee is the perfect antenna for both portable and home station use. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). https://hamradiohawaii.w

Ham Radio-Ground Spike Antenna. Using the earth to receive LF and VLF. Post #1468.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here's an interesting, unconventional antenna that could open an entire new world of radio listening.  In this video from Kevin Loughin (KB9RLW), we learn how to use what Kevin calls a "Ground Spike Antenna" to tap directly into the earth for LF and VLF signals.  Now that radio amateurs in the U.S. and elsewhere are able to transmit in the 630 and 2200 meter bands, antennas such as the "Ground Spike" could help you explore the largely untapped universe below the standard AM broadcast band.  Kevin does an excellent job of showing just how easy it is to tap LF and VLF signals by using the earth as a key antenna element.  Build one of these antennas and prepare for some unusual listening, courtesy of the earth itself. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: http://www.HawaiiARR

How To Build A Delta Loop Antenna. Post #1467.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: In this well-made video tutorial, Hiram Vazquez takes us step by step through the design, construction, and use of a Delta Loop HF Antenna.  As Hiram explains, delta loop antennas are fairly quiet on receive, show a bit of gain over a dipole antenna (about 3dB), take up little space, and are cheap to build.  Delta Loops can be both mono band and multiband, depending on how you feed the antenna.  If you use balanced feed line (300 ohm tv twin lead, 450 ohm ladder line, or home made 600 ohm balanced line) with a balanced "tuner", multiband use is possible. If you can use only one HF antenna on your property, the delta loop may be what you're looking for. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a week

ARRL Field Day 2016 With Chameleon Antennas. Post #1466.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Over the next few weeks, I'll be featuring some interesting antennas that you can use for the upcoming ARRL Field Day on 23-24 June 2018.  Although many of my fellow radio amateurs will join their club at public parks, schools, and emergency operations centers for this annual communications exercise and popular contest, some of us (including yours truly) will be operating a single station on battery or solar power in whatever space we can find. In such situations, our antennas must be versatile, sturdy, and easy to erect.  In this report from "VideosByDPF", we see an excellent "one-man" ham station using a variety of antennas, including the Chameleon Hybrid Mini and the P-Loop Magnetic Antenna.  This video was shot at the 2016 ARRL Field Day when propagation was beginning its slow decline from previous years.  Despite t

Field Testing Vertical Antennas for Ham Radio, Post #1465.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Vertical antennas are a good choice for many portable and home ham radio stations. But, how well do these antennas actually perform in the field?  In this video, N5CFB, KG5PWA, and K5ACL test three popular vertical antenna designs.  While all antennas performed well, some were easier to match and operate than others.  Interesting "live" test. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). (Amateur Radio News & Information). Be sure to check the blog sidebars for more antenna and propagation articles. Thanks for joining us today. Alo

475 kHz and 137 kHz Winter antenna checks in Alaska. Post #1464.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Antenna research continues forward as radio amateurs take advantage of newly permitted operations in the 630 meters and 2200 meters (475 kHz and 137 kHz) amateur radio bands.  As this video from "hellozerohellozero" points out, size isn't the only concern of those operating far below the standard broadcast band.  Weather and other environmental issues can make use of these new bands a bit challenging. In this video, we get a glimpse of what one Alaska (KL7) ham is doing to keep his low frequency antennas operational.  All of this takes place with a stunningly beautiful look at Alaska's natural beauty.  Enjoy! For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Frida

Compact Multi-band Field Day Antenna (80-10 meters). Post #1463.

Compact Multi-band Field Day Antenna (80-10 meters). Post #1463. Author:  NC4FB. Accessed on 15 April 2018, 2125 UTC, Post #1463. Please click link to read the full story. Comment: Why not try a new antenna for the upcoming ARRL Field Day on 23-24 June 2018? The compact HF multiband antenna described by NC4FB may be what you're looking for.  This antenna is based on a design my G7FEK ( and will cover all Amateur Radio bands between 80 and 10 meters. An antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner") is required for 17, 15, 12, 10, and 6 meters. According to NC4FB, this compact antenna has several good points in its favor: Small size Uses 50 ohm coax as an antenna feeder. Multiband operation between 80 and 10 meters. Low angle of radiation (good for DX). Easy to build, set up, and take down. This antenna can fit on most urban lots and

2014 Field Day-Free Standing Painter Pole Fan Dipole. Post #1462.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: How about a simple, inexpensive, and portable HF antenna for the upcoming ARRL Field Day in June? In this video, KF7IJZ and W4EDF demonstrate how to assemble and deploy this free-standing painter pole fan dipole antenna.  The video includes a full list of materials, knots, poles, and guying techniques needed to assemble, erect, and use this versatile HF antenna. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). (Amateur Radio News & Information). Be sure to check the blog sidebars for more antenna and propagation articles. Thanks for joining us

Portable 10 meter Dipole Antenna for Ham Radio Field Day. Post #1461.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here's a simple, inexpensive, and effective dipole antenna you can use for the 10 meter band during the ARRL Field Day in late June.  According to "Tanner Tech", the antenna sets up in 10 to 15 minutes and uses the wheel of the truck to support a mast.  You can modify this antenna for any other amateur radio band.  This antenna is suitable for both portable and home station use. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). (Amateur Radio News & Information). Views expressed in this video are those of "Tanner Tech". Be

Ham Radio-Quick and easy field day antenna. Post #1460

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: In this video, Kevin Loughin (KB9RLW) shows us how to make a simple, cheap, and effective HF antenna for the upcoming ARRL Field Day (23-24 June 2018).  All you need is some wire, a 9:1 balun, a telescoping fiberglass mast, a simple ground radial system, and an antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner") to create a portable multiband HF antenna for your next portable or field operation. Kevin says this homemade vertical antenna works very well and will get you on the air quickly with little cost. Views expressed in this video are those of Kevin Loughin (KB9RLW). For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). https://big

K7PP's Multiband Fan Dipole Project Ham Radio. Post #1459.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: While this antenna from K7PP will prove to be a bit challenging for a Field Day operation, it could be ideal for a home site with plenty of room.  Fan dipoles using a common feed point attached to several band specific antennas have been popular for decades.  The elimination of an antenna "tuner" could be an advantage for those who prefer separate dipoles but can only use one feed line. K7PP designed this antenna to cover 80, 40, and 20 meters with one feed line.  Ten meter operation is possible using a harmonic of the 80 meter band. Views expressed in this video are those of  K7PP. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). https://hamradioha

Balloon Antenna Field Day 2016. Post #1458.

If you can't see this video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here's an interesting antenna idea for those seeking a good 160 meter antenna for the upcoming ARRL Field Day in late June 2018.  How about using a balloon-supported 1/4 wavelength antenna for "The Gentlemen's Band?"  Be sure to plan ahead and check with your local airport to make sure your balloon-supported antenna doesn't present a threat to low-flying aircraft.  According to the "Ham Prepper" team, this balloon-supported antenna did very well that weekend two years ago. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). (

5 Great Multiband Wire Antenna Projects. Post #1457.

5 Great Multiband Wire Antenna Projects. Post #1457. Accessed on 10 April 2018, 0427 UTC, Post #1457. Please click link to read the full article. Comment: The ARRL Field Day emergency communications exercise and contest is coming to a site near you on the last full weekend of June 2018 (23-24 June).  Why not build a simple, inexpensive, and effective antenna for your Field Day operation? The antenna experts at have compiled a list of five multiband wire antennas that will keep your log book full of contacts, whether or not you operate contest style during that weekend. Here are the five multiband antennas you should consider for your next portable or field operation: The W5GI Mystery Antenna.  This antenna is similar to the popular G5RV, but is a better performer, especially on 20 meters. The 6-band Windom Antenna from ON4AA.  This trapless off-center-fed dipole works well on 80, 40, 30,

Ham radio HF contesting field day how to operate. Post #1456.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: The ARRL Field Day emergency communications exercise is coming to the last full weekend in June (23-24 June 2018).  Thousands of radio amateurs from the U.S. and Canada will be on the air testing their antennas, rigs, and emergency procedures during this busy weekend.  Although Field Day is an official preparedness exercise, the event is also a popular contest which fills the amateur radio bands with exciting calls and locations. In this video from the "HamRadioConcepts Amateur Radio Channel", we learn the basics of operating a Field Day ham station  and how to make effective contacts during the brief operations period.  Later on, I'll be sharing some intriguing antenna designs for your consideration.  So, check out the video and prepare yourself for an exciting contest experience. Viewpoints expressed in this video are those

80m Pedestrian Mobile Antenna experiment. Post #1455.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: If you want to try some fascinating antenna experiments, consider operating pedestrian mobile on 80 meters.  With a little ingenuity, a coil loaded wire on fiberglass rod, and a trailing radial wire, you could have some real fun.  Martin (VA3PCJ), Mark (VA3UPM), Ante (VA2BBW, Patrick (VA3CMD, and Jose (VA3PCJ), modified a few designs from Peter Parker (VK3YE) and came up with this person-portable ham radio station.  Interesting idea.  Be sure your back gets some support. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). (Amateur Radio News & Informati

The perfect open-wire Dipole Antenna IMHO. Post #1454.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: One of the easiest and most effective HF antennas you can make is a properly designed half wavelength dipole mounted at least 1/2 wavelength above ground for your chosen band of operation. Stan Gibilisco (W1GV) does an excellent job of explaining the theory, construction, and use of HF dipole antennas.  As Stan explains, this antenna is capable of multiband operation because of a balanced feed line used in conjunction with a balanced antenna "tuner" mounted at the end point of the balanced feed line.  A convenient length of 50 ohm coaxial cable (such as RG-8, RG-8X) run from the "tuner" to your rig completes the antenna system.  An automatic antenna "tuner" simplifies the tuning process.  Be sure each antenna element is cut for the lowest band of use. Stan calls this HF antenna the "perfect open-wire dipole

Ham Radio-Build your own L network antenna tuner. Post #1453.

If you can't see this video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: If you use a "long" or "random length" wire for your HF antenna, you'll probably need a simple antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner") to reduce SWR and RFI caused by the mismatch between your antenna and your transceiver. In this well-produced video, Kevin Loughin (KB9RLW) takes us step-by-step in the design, construction, and use of a simple L tuner for random length wire antennas.  This basic impedance transformer can be used at home and for field operations.  Views expressed in this video are those of KB9RLW. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: ( a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon).

How To Use An Antenna Analyzer-Basics. Post #1452.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: An antenna analyzer is a useful addition to your ham shack. In this video from Randy Hall (K7AGE), we learn how to use the popular MFJ-259/269 Antenna Analyzer to check your antenna for SWR and Resonance.  This fairly inexpensive tool will come in handy the next time your build a new antenna or maintain your current "skyhook."  Randy does an excellent job of explaining how the MFJ-259/269 works and what you can expect to gain from using this device.  Views expressed in this video are those of Randy Hall (K7AGE). For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). https://amateurradionew

7 MHz WSPR with a kite supported vertical antenna. Post #1451.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here's another great antenna idea from Australian radio amateur Peter Parker (VK3YE).  In this video, Peter tries a kite supported antenna to launch his WSPR signal.  WSPR can work with inefficient, short antennas, but really shines when you attach your rig to a half wavelength vertical antenna.  Peter says his 200mW signal was received in North America and the Canary Islands...great distance for a QRP signal. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (A weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). (Amateur Radio News & Information). Views expressed in this video are those of Peter Par

2 element beam for 20 metres from gw0jxm. Post #1450.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Sooner or later, you'll want to build a simple beam to increase your rf "footprint".  If you live on a small urban lot or in an area with restricted space, building a beam can be quite a task.  In this video, GW0JXM show us how to design, build, and use a simple 2 element beam for the 20 meter amateur radio band that is both easy to raise and take down while still fitting in a small space.  The video contains many helpful suggestions, including a materials list and construction tips. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). (Amateur

Best First Amateur Ham Radio HF Antenna for New Operators. Post #1449.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:  The views expressed in this video are those of "DX Commander" unless otherwise stated. A nice, laid back antenna tutorial from "DX Commander" as he describes his first amateur radio antenna--a delta loop mounted 7 meters (22.96 ft) above ground.  This antenna produced great results for him during his first years as a licensed radio amateur. In this video, "DX Commander" shows you how to design, build, use, and test a simple delta loop antenna, which can cover several amateur radio bands with a balanced feedline and an antenna "tuner."  Delta loops are easy to make, exhibit low noise on receive, and can be designed to be "stealthy" in crowded neighborhoods. For the latest amateur/ham radio news and information, please visit these websites: http://www.arrl