Simple Ham Radio Antennas-160m Vertical Antenna. Post #949.

160m Vertical Antenna (
Accessed on 11 November 2016, 20:40 hrs, UTC.
Author:  K6MN.
Please click link or enter the title URL into your browser search box.

160 meter antennas can be intimidating.  A full quarter wavelength vertical for "The Gentlemen's Band" can be a high as 135 feet/41.15 meters. Even a horizontal dipole or inverted vee can challenging.

K6MN has solved this problem by designing, building, and using a vertical helix for 160 meters.  Iv'e use such an arrangement for my 80 meter vertical, and, with a good ground radial system, I can do quite nicely on 80 meters.  K6MN takes that idea and models it for 160 meters.

This antenna is suitable for restricted land areas and housing governed by CC&Rs and HOAs.  His final product is "stealthy" and blends in well with the trees on his property.

In this post, we find a complete photographic step-by-step tutorial, a list of materials, and places where you can download a supplementary instructional manual.

Basically, the antenna is a half wavelength of wire wrapped helically around a 25 foot/7.62 meters PVC pipe, capped off with a capacity hat, and fed with a length of 50 ohm coaxial cable.  Lay as many ground radials as you can.

An antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner") will help keep SWR under control.  The antenna is fairly narrow banded, so frequent adjustments will be needed to take advantage of the entire 160 meter band.

According to K6MN, the antenna can be built for around $90 and will take approximately 10 hours to build.  Have fun!
Be sure to check the blog sidebars for more antenna and propagation articles.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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