Simple Ham Radio Antennas--Moxon Antenna Project. Post #963.

Moxon Antenna Project
Author:  Steve Hammer (K6SGH).
Accessed on 25 November 2016, 19:55 hrs, UTC.

I'm always looking for interesting antennas to build at my new QTH on Hawaii Island's Puna District.  While I was researching some new and unusual antenna designs, I ran across this article by Steve Hammer (K6SGH), which was cited in a sidebar from

Although I've always been fascinated by the designs described by pioneer antenna guru Les Moxon (G6XN)--hence the name "Moxon Antenna"--I've never built one.  With this article, that time has come.

Steve Hammer (K6SGH), along with his late friend John Labutski (KD6WD), have compiled an extensive list of moxon antenna designs that will fit comfortably on your property, be it urban or rural.  According to Steve, a moxon antenna can be built with "a simple push up mast and rotated by hand."  Steve adds that "The moxon is especially attractive to hams who want to avoid purchasing more expensive towers and rotors and desire a directional antenna." That sounds like my kind of antenna!

There are several intriguing moxon antenna articles in this website, including

The DL2GMS Moxon Project (20, 15, 10 meter band moxon with single feed line).

The GW4MBN Reversible 20 meter vertical moxon antenna.

SM0DTK's 20 meter end fed vertical moxon.

Each article is fully illustrated with photographs, SWR data, and antenna patterns.

A Moxon Antenna would make an excellent weekend project.  It appears as if my next antenna project has arrived.
Be sure to check the blog sidebars for more antenna and propagation articles.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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