Simple Ham Radio Antennas--2 Meter Twin Lead J-pole Antenna. Post #960.

If you can't view this video, please insert this title link into your browser search box:  Here's another simple antenna project that can be made from locally available materials.  In this video, Dave Tadlock (KG0ZZ) show us how to make a 2 Meter J-Pole antenna suitable for emergency or portable operations.   This antenna can be used by radio amateurs living in HOA/CC&R-controlled apartments.  The antenna is made from 300 ohm television twin lead and can be rolled up after use.  ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) volunteers may want to pack one of these antennas in their emergency "go-Kit", since it will give a significant amount of gain over the "rubber duckie" antennas that come with most hand-held VHF/UHF transceivers.  I have one of Dave's creations suspended from a hook on my lanai (Hawaiian for porch) and can access several repeaters that were "invisible" to my HT.  This inexpensive 2 Meter antenna should be part of any emergency gear you take to the field.  As always, Dave does an excellent job of explaining the theory, design, and construction of this handy antenna.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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