Simple Ham Radio Antennas--Review Summary for MFJ 2286 Big Stick Vertical Antenna. Post #953

Review Summary for MFJ 2286 Big Stick Vertical Antenna
Accessed on 15 November 2016, 15:55 hrs, UTC.
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Those of you searching for a simple, effective, portable HF antenna may want to consider the MFJ 2286 Big Stick Vertical Antenna.  The antenna consists of a 17 ft./5.18 meters steel collapsible whip paired with an adjustable high-Q-air-wound coil.  The antenna covers a frequency range of 7.0 MHz to 55 MHz.

As you can tell from the comments of actual users, the antenna ranges from very good to barely passing.  Most of the issues center around quality control problems--long an issue with MFJ.  Despite these shortcomings, the antenna does very well in real world situations.  Just be sure to protect the coil and coil tapping clips from the weather.  If you're willing to make some structural modifications to the antenna mount and exercise caution in working with the air-wound coil, you should have an excellent antenna for portable operations.
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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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