Loop on the ground antenna, is it any good?

If you live in a noisy urban area, you may find this "Loop on the Ground antenna" reviewed by Carl (M0SZT) worth your time.

Carl runs a full receive and transmit test of this remarkably simple antenna.  While the antenna does transmit signals, performance is  just so-so.  

On receive, the results are much better.  Currently, I'm using a 40-meter loop placed at ground level around my rental home and find the antenna useful for NVIS (Near Vertical Incidence Skywave) contacts.  My loop is very quiet on receive, considering the presence of several high voltage power lines near the property.

Carl does an excellent job of showing the pros and cons of this antenna.  While your performance may differ from mine, I find Carl's antenna installation offers another way to get and stay on the air without drawing undo attention from neighbors or the HOA.  Perhaps, Carl's project will help you maintain the hobby we hams all love.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DG2WuSvrppg

Here are some comments from Carl (M0SZT):

I was given a loop on the ground antenna to review by a fellow ham (G8SAR), I decided to test this using my Sun SDR pro radio which can split antennas for receive and transmit. Verdict from the antenna review is..... I'm a licensed amateur radio operator from the United Kingdom. My YouTube channel features videos focusing on operating portable radio from various locations plus how to videos, tutorials, insights and conversations in the hobby.

Thank for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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