An EASY Antenna for HF-F-Loop 3.0

Radio amateurs needing a sleek, compact HF antenna for portable, emergency, or even home station use will find this review of the Chameleon F-Loop 3.0 helpful in selecting the right antenna for the right job.

Kevin Bowen (K7SW) discusses the theory, design, assembly, testing, and use of this popular magnetic loop antenna system.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:

Here are some comments from Kevin (K7SW):

See this EASY setup HF Antenna. The Chameleon F-LOOP 3.0 Magnetic Loop. For portable operating, limited spaces, HOA restricted and other places that can be difficult to setup an HF antenna. Use the links below to learn more about Chameleon Antennas. Chameleon Antenna Mag Loop: CHA F-LOOP 3.0 CHA LRT (Loop Remote Tuner) 73, thanks for watching

 Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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