Securing radials for vertical antenna-safe, environmentally friendly. Post 1830.

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Here's a helpful tip from "therixsterinnj" on how to install a safe, "environmentally friendly" ground radial system for your HF vertical antenna.

These suggestions are worth noting:
"Please do not use metallic "garden staples" to secure radial wires to the top of the ground in a lawn. They may rust and become dangerous daggers that can seriously injure children or even adults. They can turn into projectiles if hit by a lawn mower. In this short video I show how easy it is to use wooden dowel material to do an even better job, which is much much safer. About $10 worth of wood dowel should do for 16 radials. You can attach several along the length of the radial if needed. 73"

Also, you may want to try a system of elevated radials to make sure your radials don't get "tangled up" in your lawn mower.  If you need need to establish a ground radial system, you may want to use a lawn edger or pizza cutter to create a shallow groove into which you place your radial wires.  Grass will soon cover the shallow trench, this hiding your radial system and providing an extra margin of safety.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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