Building a multi-band Vertical ham radio antenna DX Commander Part 2. Post 1838.

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This is part 2 of a 3 part series on how to assemble, erect, and use the "DX Commander" Vertical Antenna from Callum McCormick (M0MCX).

In part 1, we unpacked the multiband vertical antenna, inventoried all parts, and began to assemble the basic antenna.  In part 2, Callum helps us prepare the "shock cord connectors" and hose clamps.  You will find this step involves some trial and error steps before these components are finished.

Like the first video, Callum does an excellent job of taking us from the very beginning of this antenna project to its completion.  Part 3 will help us complete the multiband vertical antenna, which should prove to be an successful DX grabber.  Callum does a first class job in these videos--explanations are educational, occasionally entertaining, and thoroughly detailed.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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