Amateur Radio Antenna Lightning Protection. Post 1833.

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Thanks to "North Caroline Prepper" for this video on how to protect your antennas from lightning strikes.  Now that spring is here and summer isn't far behind, now is the time to "harden" your equipment against lightning and other damaging electrical surges.

This video gives you a good idea of the surge protectors and lightning arrestors needed to shield your equipment and other ham radio gear from summer storms.

I use a similar system at my shack.  I also lower all of my verticals and inverted vees, unplug all equipment, and detach all feed lines when I'm done operating for the day.  I attach all antenna feed lines to an 8-ft/ 2.43 meter copper ground rod outside the shack.

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Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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