Antenna Tilt Base- EZ Project (Ham, CB, TV). Post 1847.

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Here's a great antenna tilt base idea from Tinker Tom (W5CYF).  This tower/mast accessory can help radio amateurs living in deed-restricted housing (HOAs/CC&Rs) by lowering the mast from public view during non-air time.  A tilt base will also help you lower your vertical or inverted V antenna before a storm approaches.  I use a cruder version of W5CYF's idea to lower my inverted V whenever I'm not using the antenna or are away from the shack.  Out of sight, out of mind.  If you're living in an area prone to thunderstorms, you may want to consider this antenna tilt base project.

W5CYF does a good job of showing us how to plan and build this valuable mast accessory.  You should be able to buy most of the tilt base materials from the nearest home improvement center or hardware store.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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