Building a multi-band Vertical ham radio antenna DX Commander Part 3. Post 1839.

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Welcome to the final segment (part 3) of building the multi-band vertical antenna from Callum McCormick (M0MCX).  In the first two parts, Callum takes us through the basic assembly process, from unpacking of the antenna kit to preparing the shock cord connectors and hose clamps.

In part 3, Callum brings all of the separate steps together to form an efficient , multi-band HF vertical antenna suitable for both home and field use.  Callum takes us step-by-step through the antenna's final assembly, erecting, testing, and adjustments necessary to make this antenna a good DX performer.  Callum does an excellent job of blending antenna theory and practice as we slowly build this HF vertical antenna.  His explanations are clear, concise, and easy to follow.

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Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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