KH6JRM's Amateur Radio Blog

Just when you think everything in the ole radio
shack is running smoothly, there comes a surprise
that rearranges your weekend radio activity.  Last
night was such an event.  A band of intense thunder-
showers rolled past Hawaii Island last night, giving
us Big Islanders some needed rain along with very
strong winds which played games with power lines,
yard furniture, and various loose objects.  Although
I can't consider my antenna farm a piece of lawn
furniture, the effect of the gusty winds will put me
into maintenance mode for the weekend.  A small
tree limb took out the 450 - ohm feedline, so I have
to restring another 33 feet of line to get the vertical
back into operating condition.  The antenna appears
intact, so it's back to the wire cutters, the soldering
gun, and insulators for another round of antenna
follies.  At least I can get some exercise before
I warm up the ole Swan 100-MX.  All in a day's
work.  Before I leave the commercial radio station,
I have to check with our engineer to see if our ailing
FM transmitter can run our rated power before the
day is over.  Last night's electrical storm was not too
kind to the station transmitter.  It looks as if reduced
power will be the order of the day until spare parts
arrive.  Things could be worse--I could be organized.
Have a good weekend. 73, Aloha de KH6JRM


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