KH6JRM's Amateur Radio Blog

Veterans Day will be observed on Thursday--a time to
remember those who served our nation in both peace
and war.  In my former life as an Air Force Officer and
before I became an amateur radioi operator, I was aware
of the vital service provided by MARS operators.  I even
used this service a few times to contact family at home.  I
am indebted to those ham and military operators who kept
our morale up and provided a lifeline to our loved ones. 
The tradition continues, as MARS operators and other
radio amateurs provide support to our military personnel
around the world.  The technology, of course, has improved,
but the mission is still there.  I will not forget your service to
those who serve our nation. So, on the advent of this Veterans
Day, I wish all amateur and military operators a deep thankyou
for your dedication and ability to keep our spirits up in difficult
times.  Aloha, 73 de KH6JRM.


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