Amateur Radio Curiosities--POW Canteen Radio.

POW Canteen Radio
( radio/).
Accessed on 29 November 2015, 03:43 hrs, UTC.
Author:  Bob Witte (K0NR).
Please click link to read the full article.


I've started two new pages for my Amateur Radio Blog--Amateur Radio Antennas--Theory and Practice and Radio Curiosities.
This blog will uncover some of the less familiar aspects of Amateur Radio, including historical articles (such as this post), classic amateur radio equipment, and some interesting stories about the pioneers of amateur radio.

This article by Bob Witte (K0NR) tells the amazing story of radio operators who were Japanese prisoners of war and how one radio amateur made a clandestine radio receiver out of stolen parts to monitor the progress of the war.

I hope you find this article as inspiring as I did.  Enjoy!

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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