Amateur Radio Curiosities--Tube Type HF Transceiver Buyer's Guide

Tube Type HF Transceiver Buyer's Guide(
Accessed on 30 November 2015, 04:10 hrs, UTC.
Please click link to read the full article.
Author:  James Benedict (N8FVJ).

James Benedict (N8FVJ) takes us down memory lane for a new look a classic amateur radio rigs by Collins, Drake, Swan, Heathkit, National, and Hallicrafters.  A nice memory jogger for those of us who got started in Amateur Radio back in the 1950s and 1960s.  Many of these rigs are still on the air delivering QSOs to their enthusiastic owners.  Although I started out late in amateur radio (1977), I've owned a few of these classic rigs, including the Heath HW-101, the Swan 260 Cygnet, and the Drake TR-4.  I was too poor to buy a top of the line Collins rig.  The only rig of that era still working in my shack is the old Drake TR-4, which needs a new power supply.  I also have an old Kenwood TS-520, which is approaching classic status on its own.  This hybrid rig contains both tubes and transistor circuits.  The audio quality of the Kenwood TS-520 and the Drake TR-4 is superb.  This article by James Benedict is a nostalgic visit with our radio past.  Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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