Simple Ham Radio Antennas--5 simple multiband wire antennas. Post #824

5 Simple Multiband Wire Antennas
Authors:  M0UKD, IW7EHC, EC2APU, HB9MTN, and W1GFH.
Accessed on 02 July 2016, 23:50 hrs, UTC.
Please click on title link or insert URL to read the complete article.


If you're looking for a simple, easy to build multiband HF antenna that does not require an antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner"), then this well-crafted article from is for you.

This article recommends 5 simple wire antenna designs that will get you on the air quickly with a decent, effective signal.  Most of the antenna materials can be obtained from the nearest hardware store or building supply outlet.  The use of an "antenna tuner" will enhance the performance of these antennas.

1.  Homemade Carolina Windom from M0UKD.  This antenna is an off-center fed dipole with a 10-ft/3.04 meter vertical section. One antenna element measures 41-ft/12.5 m, while the remaining element measures 25-ft/7.62 m.  A 4:1 balun joins the antenna elements at top of the antenna.  The antenna needs no "tuner" for 40m, 20m, and 10m.  A "tuner" can be used to make all bands between 40m and 10m available to the operator.

2.  Multiband Wire Dipole (IW7EHC).  A simple, effective, no "tuner" antenna covering the 20m, 15m, and 10m bands.

3.  EC2APU Multiband wire antenna.  This antenna designed by EC2APU covers  the 80m, 40 m, 20m, 15m, and 10m bands.  The article is written in Spanish, but you should be able to build this antenna by just following the excellent illustrations.

4.  H-Pole Multiband Antenna (HB9MTN). This unique vertical antenna design from HB9MTN covers all amateur radio bands between 160m and 10m.

5.  The $4 Special from W1GFH.  This inverted vee dipole is one of my favorite antennas because it's cheap, easy to build, and covers 40m through 10m with an antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner").  Each leg of the antenna is 33-ft/10.06 m long. The feedline can be tv twin lead, 450 ohm ladder line, or homemade balanced line.  I use a 4:1 current balun placed after my antenna transmatch to keep SWR under control.  My antenna support is an old MFJ telescoping fiberglass mast.

All of these antennas are simple, easy to make, and portable.
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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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