Simple Ham Radio Antennas--K7AGE Ham Radio Field Day 2016. Post #823

If you can't access this video, please enter this title link into your browser search box: Another great video from Randy Hall (K7AGE). In this well-made video, Randy takes us on a solo ARRL Field Day adventure on a hilltop outside of Gold Beach, Oregon--Randy's new QTH.  His station is a lesson in simple and effective portability.  His truck serves as the base of his Field Day Station, with a 20-ft/6.09 meter pole holding a 20 meter dipole antenna. Randy's Yaesu FT-857 is powered by a large capacity lead-acid battery which is charged by a 100 watt solar panel.  I have a similar setup using a flexible telescoping fiberglass mast to support an inverted vee antenna. My power source is a deep cycle marine battery with a solar panel to keep the battery charged.  My rig is a near classic--the Yaesu FT-7 QRP rig. Other than these minor differences, our stations are quite similar.  Randy says he had good success with this basic portable system. Try this design and see if it works for you.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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