KH6JRM's Amateur Radio Blog

This has been a fairly calm Saturday in the KKBG-FM
and KHLO-AM news room.  I need a quiet day now
and then.  Other than the Middle East crisis and the
Gulf oil spill, things are alright. My deepest sympthies
to our Gulf of Mexico friends--what a gawsh awful
mess, both ecologically and economically.  With all
this going on, the hurricane season has just begun.
The station has been keeping Big Islanders informed
on what to do and how to prepare themselves for
what is expected to be an active storm season.  With
that in mind, how well prepared are you? When I get
home after my shift, I'll make sure all batteries are
charged, spare antennas made, and the generator
fully fueled.  I've got a good stock of food and the
ole Tercel is topped off in fuel. Hopefully, the storms
will miss you.  Have a good weekend. Aloha from the
Big Island. 73. KH6JRM.


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