KH6JRM's Amateur Radio Blog

Now that the Memorial Day celebrations are over,
I can return to some degree of "normalcy" at the
KKBG-FM/KHLO-AM news room.  Of course,
normal has all kinds of meaning in the news business,
ranging from the usual crimes, crises, and weather
changes to the bizarre stuff that crops up during the
day. You wou't believe the number of strange calls
I get before, during, and after holidays.  Anyway,
I'll be able to squeeze in a few hours of operating
this weekend.  Time at the old Swan 100 MX will
provide the needed atitude adjustment from the
near crisis mode that grips the news cycle.  On the
docket for this weekend is further work on the 20-
meter vertical dipole and minor repairs to the under
the house loop that does the majority of local con-
tacts.  I really enjoy getting out in the back yard and
working with wire and portable masts.  I don't know
if I'll be working with the Big Island Amateur Radio
Club during the upcoming Field Day event.  Every year
for the past 3 years, I've been tabbed to run the monthly
points meet at the Hilo Drag Strip.  Perhaps, I'll just put
the old Yaesu FT-7 in the car and work a few mobile
contacts after the track shuts down.  Such is life.  Have
a good weekend.  Aloha from the Big Island. 73 de


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