KH6JRM's Amateur Radio Blog

Because of work requirements, I was unable to participate
in this year's ARRL Field Day.  From what I could deduce
in casual listening, Hawaii Island Amateurs had fun from
several locations, ranging from the Kamehameha Schools
Hawaii Campus to the stunningly beautiful Laupahoehoe
Point State Park.  In the past, I've participated in the
Laupahoehoe Beach Park operation, since it's only 3 miles
from the qth.  Dean Manley, KH6B, usually runs battery
power with an array of verticals and sterba curtain arrays
cut for 10 and 15 meters.  His verticals do pretty well so
close to the ocean.  Speaking of antennas, the 26 June
installment of the website has an interesting EMT
vertical by Marcos Antonio Veloz Burgos, HI8MVW.  I've
used variations on this theme several times, and like Marcos,
I've used RG-6 TV cable for the feedline.  Results are quite
good on 20, 15, and 10 meters.  Give this design a try and
see what you can do.  Meanwhile, enjoy the remainder of the
weekend.  73 es Aloha de KH6JRM.


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