
Showing posts with the label VK2PRC Half Wave End Fed Vertical Antenna for DX.

VK2PRC Half Wave End Fed Vertical Antenna for DX.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: This is Post 2125 of a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Thanks to Alex (VK2PRC) for this excellent tutorial on building and testing a half wave end fed vertical antenna for 20 meter DX. Although propagation on the higher HF bands has been marginal, there is enough DX on 20 meters to make this project worthwhile. In this video, Alex takes us step-by-step through the design, construction, and testing phases of this useful, easy-to-make vertical antenna. Here are some additional notes from Alex that will help simplify the project: "A complete step by step guide for, making and tuning a 20 Meter HWEF vertical antenna including impedance matching coupler. If you are unable to make one for yourself, email me and I'll make one for you. NOTE: 1mm enameled wire MUST be used, NO other size!!!!!!! The common mode