Best 10m Fiberglass Pole For A Ham Radio Antenna.


Large fiberglass poles are becoming an almost necessity for a variety of Amateur Radio activities, from inexpensive home stations to portable operations such as POTA and SOTA.

As you can imagine, quality fiberglass masts can run the gamut from cheap to costly, depending on your requirements.

In this video, Colin (MM0OPX) discusses the qualities needed to make a sturdy, weather-resistant fiberglass mast for your station.

Colin makes several recommendations, including his favorite, which is bit more expensive than bargain brands.  But, as the old saying goes, "You get what you pay for."

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:

Here are some comments from Colin (MM0OPX):

In my opinion this is the best value 10m fibreglass pole you can buy for amateur radio. Here is a link to it. I hope it will be back in stock in 2023 Here is an alternitive source but its too expensive, better to opt for a 12m Spiderbeam


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