3 masts everyone needs for Ham Radio.
Radio amateurs specializing in portable operations recognize the need for sturdy, easily-erected masts to support their HT, VHF, and UHF antennas.
If you're undecided about which mast you should us for your next "field" operation, then this excellent video from Jason (KM4ACK) is for you.
Based on his field experience, Jason (KM4ACK) recommends three popular antenna masts for portable operations. These mast systems can be used at your home station as well as "in the field."
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PcIEC3j10c
Here are some comments from Jason:
Take a look at the three masts I use most for portable ham radio.
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🔹Links mentioned in the video
Sota Beams Mast - https://www.sotabeams.co.uk/carbon-6-...
TN07 Green Mast - https://tn07.com/32-portable-antenna-...
Fiberglass Big Mast - https://tn07.com/telescoping-masts
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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).
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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).