Four hours QRP portable in the 2019 John Moyle Field Day

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Do you need a little inspiration to join the ARRL Field Day Event? Then this fascinating video from Peter Parker (VK3YE) should help you join the semi-contest and emergency communications exercise, even if you can't meet with your fellow radio amateurs at their Field Day site.

In a little over four hours, Peter made 50 contacts from a local park using only his Yaesu FT-817, a telescoping fiberglass rod (i.e. "squid pole"), an end fed 20 meter/65.6 ft wire, and a radial wire along the ground.  You don't need fancy equipment to join the festivities.  You might want to include a simple L-match antenna "tuner" to round out your portable station. 

Because of work requirements, I've often "camped out" in my backyard with a simple dipole antenna, antenna "tuner", a deep charge marine battery/solar panels, and my trusty Yaesu FT-7.

Peter has inspired me with many simple, effective antennas for portable operations.  Perhaps this video will encourage you to create your own mini-expedition and Field Day station.

For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon).

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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