DIY VHF 2M Jpole antenna out of 450ohm line. Post 1892.

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Here's a great 2 meter antenna suitable for portable (ala ARRL Field Day), emergency, and home use.  This easily-made vertically polarized antenna is made from 5 ft/1.524 m of 450 ohm ladder line and 10 ft/3.048 m of RG-58 coaxial cable with a bnc.  With the help of a a few simple tools, soldering equipment, and tape, you'll have this 1/2 wavelength vertically polarized end fed design with a 1/4 wavelength matching sub up and going in just a short time.

Bret of "Survival Comms" does an excellent job of taking us through the design, construction, and adjustment of this simple, effective antenna.  Make one for your emergency "go-kit" or for that impromptu mini-dxpedition to your local park.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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