How to Build Several Easy Antennas for Amateur Radio. Post #1044.

How to Build Several Easy Antennas for Amateur Radio
Accessed on 16 February 2017, 06:25 hrs, UTC.
Please click link or insert the title URL into your browser search box to read the full article.


I found this wonderfully simple and easy-to-understand antenna tutorial while I was searching for some new antenna ideas.  Although the article may appear a bit basic for the more experience radio amateurs among us, it is perfect for the newly licensed or prospective ham radio enthusiast.  In fact, this article would make an excellent introduction in an amateur radio license class.

The article covers all of the important aspects of antenna building, from basic antenna types and formulas to the types of wire and feed lines best suited for your location.  And most importantly, the discussion covers necessary safety measures involved in building your new antenna.

These paragraphs from the original article best sum up what is covered in this tutorial:


  • Strip carefully, tie the ground sections together, and solder to the negative side of your antenna lead in wire. All three wires should be soldered, and attached carefully.
  • Get help with your antennas. Friends may find this experience fascinating.
  • Measure twice, cut once. Although not critical in a cage dipole, it is highly critical to cut the exact length of an antenna to the band you are going to use
  • Use wire of similar nature. Avoid using wires that corrode easily, or may break and lose conductivity.
  • Locate your antenna as close as possible to your radio room to prevent loss of RF energy.
  • It's fun to work the world on a wire. Antennas are the heart of any radio system.
  • Using dull instruments for cutting wire may leave sharp edges that can pierce the skin easily. Check each end to keep sharp points from forming.
  • Use PVC Pipe for cheap, easy insulators, and spreaders.
  • Provide adequate space away from power lines."

"Things You'll Need

  • Antenna wire that is made from the choices above. Always get plenty of it.
  • Good soldering irons, and rosin core solder.
  • Knife, side cutting pliers, long nose pliers, stripper pliers, drill and proper size drill bits.
  • PVC pipe in what ever diameter you choose to use for your antennas, and for your insulators.
  • SPACE to hang your antenna in the air. Keep away from power lines."
  • -----------------------------------------------------
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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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