A Quick, Simple, Inexpensive Trailer Hitch Antenna Mast. Post #1050.

A Quick, Simple, Inexpensive Trailer Hitch Antenna Mast
Accessed on 21 February 2017, 21:35 hrs, UTC.
Author:  Joe Tomasone (AB2M).
Please click link or insert title URL into your browser search box to read the complete article.


A nice, well-written, and richly photographed tutorial on building a sturdy, inexpensive trailer hitch antenna mast.  Just follow the suggestions outlined in this article and you should have little trouble attaching the hitch to your vehicle and supporting a lightweight antenna for portable operations.

In the comment section of the article, KE4ZHH suggests using a telescoping fiberglass mast with the trailer hitch.  One could easily use the tip of the fiberglass mast to support an inverted vee antenna.  Either way, this article is a good example of what can be done with simple materials.

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