7 Ideas For Indoor Antennas. Post #1040.

7 Ideas For Indoor Antennas
Accessed on 12 February 2017, 02:55 hrs, UTC.
Author: A series of articles compiled by http://www.dxzone.com.
Please click link or enter title URL into your browser search box to read the full article.


I found this fascinating article today while I was searching for some experimental antenna designs.  Having once lived in a "no antenna" HOA/CC&R neighborhood, I remember how frustrating it was to design and build an indoor antenna to get me on the air. After a few botched experiments, I finally was able to build a simple indoor loop fed by 450 ohm ladder line to get on HF and a simple VHF ground plane antenna for my 2 meter work.

This collection of indoor antenna projects should give you some ideas of what can be done to get on the air from deed-restricted housing.

Try some of these indoor antennas and see if you can find a way to get on the air. Being off the air is no fun.  Even a compromise antenna such as these can help you return to ham radio and all the adventure the hobby holds.

Here are some of the antennas discussed in the article:

Indoor Loop Antenna from F6CYV.
Rockloop Antenna from G3YCC and W9SCH.
Indoor multiband dipole from HB9MTN.
88-foot/26.82 meters Zig Zag Double Extended Zepp from AC0L.
W5ALT's Indoor Vertical Antenna.
Stealth Apartment Antenna from AJ4VD.
5 Band Indoor Magnetic Loop Antenna from G4IZH.

Good luck!
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http://hawaiisciencedigest.com (science and technology news for radio amateurs).
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Thanks for joining us today!

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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