40/20/10 Meter Fan Dipole Attic Antenna. Post #1048.

40/20/10 Meter Fan Dipole Antenna
Author:  KD2GOE.
Accessed on 20 February 2017, 00:35 hrs, UTC.
Please click link or insert title URL into your browser search box to read the full article.


If you have a large enough attic in your deed-controlled home, you may find this variant of the fan dipole just what you need to get on the air and enjoy the challenge of amateur radio.

KD2GOE does an excellent job of explaining how he built this effective, inexpensive stealth antenna that covers the 40, 20, and 10 meter bands. With a little help from an antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner"), this antenna will work fairly well on 12 and 17 meters.  The photographs are excellent and give you an excellent illustration of what can be done in a limited space.

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