Simple Ham Radio Antennas--W0BTU Beverage Receiving Antennas. Post #1011,

W0BTU Beverage Receiving Antennas
Author:  W0BTU.
Accessed on 13 January 2017, 20:25 hrs, UTC.
Please click link or enter title URL into your browser search box to read the full article.


Now that propagation is favoring the lower HF bands (160, 80, and 40 meters), you may want to consider building a Beverage antenna for receiving those often faint signals on "The Gentlemen's Band" (160 meters).  The major drawback of this exceptional receiving antenna is its length, averaging more than 500-feet/152.43 meters for the 160 meter band.  But if you do have some space, try one of these antennas.  You may be surprised just how great it is in making noisy, faint signals listenable.

In this post, W0BTU describes the theory, construction, and use of this antenna, which was designed and patented in the early 1920s by RCA engineer Harold H. Beverage.  According to W0BTU, the Beverage antenna is usually a straight wire several hundred feet long and about 6 to 8-feet (1.82 to 2.43 meters) above ground. In this article, W0BTU's Beverage antenna is 580-feet/176.82 meters long, coaxial cable-fed at the receiving side with a simple matching transformer, and terminated with a resistor at the far end.  There are grounds at each end of the antenna.

The article provides several examples of simple Beverage antennas, complete with illustrations and basic technical/operational data.


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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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