Simple Ham Radio Antennas--PVC Antenna Launcher. Post #1009.

PVC Antenna Launcher
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Accessed on 12 January 2017, 04:10 hrs, UTC.
Author:  Charles Burgstahler (K8BLO).
Please click title link or anyone of the title URLs to read the full article.


If you have tall trees on your property, you may be thinking of ways to get that 40 meter dipole antenna up a full half-wavelength or more to get a lower angle of radiation.  The basic problem is getting that antenna up into the trees without getting your wire tangled up or stuck on some lower or higher branch.

There are various ways to get your antenna over obstacles and into a good position among the trees.  I've always preferred a bow and arrow or slingshot to launch my antenna lead lines.  Since I'm not a great marksman, I've often lost the lead line and sinker before the end of the antenna is where I want it.

In this article, Charles Burgstahler (K8BLO) show us how to make a simple PVC pipe launcher using parts available at the nearest building supply store or through an online business such as Harbor Freight.  Charles supplies a complete list of materials and the necessary safety warnings before you build this device. Charles advises you to be careful when you use your completed PVC Launcher, since the "25 psi will shoot the projectile 100-feet/30.48 meters into the air."  Charles also supplies a photographic template showing where all the parts go and how to prepare your antenna launching party.

You can download the plans and photos at:
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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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