
Showing posts with the label Ham Radio-80/160 meter magnetic loop antenna

Ham Radio-80/160 meter magnetic loop antenna

Antennas for the 80 and 160 meter Amateur Radio bands can present a difficult challenge for radio amateurs living in restricted housing or on small urban lots. If you're facing this situation, this magnetic loop antenna from Kevin Loughin (KB9RLW) could get you back on the air. If you can't see the video, please go here:  (1) Ham Radio - 80 160 meter magnetic loop transmitting antenna - YouTube Here are some comment from Kevin: This is my 6 foot diameter magloop for 80 and 160 meters. I create a two turn outer loop to get down to 160 and it works very well. I checked in to a local 160 meter net and 4 out of 5 stations could hear me. Pretty neat for a 6ft antenna! There have been a few questions about the capacitor I used. Measured on my old Heathkit RLC bridge, it looks to be around 20-700pf with about 1mm plate spacing. I've pushed it to 40 watts without an arc. I also built a mini loop out of junkbox parts for fun. It's 1 foot square and works really well.