Stealth HOA Antenna


Here's another fascinating HF antenna for those living in deed-restricted apartments and homes.  Although the antenna from TN07 Engineering is a bit expensive, it could be what you need to stay on the air.

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This is post 2823 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas.

Here are some comments from the video:

Another way to beat the HOA commandos when you want to operate ham radio. This antenna can be very hard to notice at all if you set it up in a stealthy way. 80-6 meters, SWR less than 2:1 across 80-6m, and handles 100 watts. Links are below SUBSCRIBE (Join the newsletter) Interested in obtaining your ham radio license? The best way to get started is at Use the code eric20 at checkout to save 20%. You will pass the exam on your first try or your money back.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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