Stealth HF Antennas

Thanks to OH3SPN (Finland) for this easily-understood introduction to stealth antennas. This video describes stealth antennas that are dipoles, fan dipoles, and loops.

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This is post 2804 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas.

Here are some comment from OH3SPN:

I initially supported a dipole on an outdoor structure as a temporary receive antenna due to QRM from a neighbour on the main antenna. However, this provided an opportunity to talk about ideas for stealth antennas. Note: This only covers dipoles, fan dipoles and loops; vertical stealth antennas may be covered in a future video. Additionally, when talking about loops my maths may be incorrect; a loop should be a *full* wavelength on the lowest band of operation. Dipoles are obviously a half wavelength, so whilst the frame discussed will fit a 20m dipole, it wouldn't necessarily fit a 20 or 30m loop. I clearly needed more caffeine before recording this :)


Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).



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