A closer look at the 2m Moxon Antenna

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This is post 2437 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas.

If you're searching for a light weight 2m antenna with good bandwidth and low SWR, please consider this antenna from VK6CS.

Here are some general comments from VK6CS:

A couple of things I should have mentioned. I live on a hill, so a good report from 30km away may have been far worse if I lived down at sea level. And, the antenna seems to have a pretty good bandwidth, the local repeater is on 146.700MHz, I went up and down in frequency by around 1 MHz and the SWR was very similar. The SWR is pretty low, I didn't measure it but it was just visible on the FT857 SWR meter.


Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).



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