5 Great Multiband Wire Antennas.

Five Great Multiband Wire Antennas.

Views expressed in this antenna summary are those of the reporters and correspondents.

Source:  https://www.dxzone.com/multiband-wire-antenna-projects/

This is post 2426 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas.

Accessed on 21 November 2020, 2233 UTC.

I ran across this article while pursuing some antenna research on "The DX Zone" web site.

These home made HF antennas are simple, inexpensive, and often times "elegant."

My favorites include the W5GI Mystery Antenna, the 6-Band Windom Antenna, and the H-Pole Vertical Antenna.

Here are the top five wire antennas from the "DX Zone" website:

Multiband Wire Antennas

Multiband Wire Antennas

Wires antennas are since ever the more practical and cheapest aerials that hams can build.

We selected five among the most interesting multiband wire antennas may provide inspiration for your own creativity.

Hundreds of other examples can be found in our large collection of links to Ham Radio Antenna Projects

Wire Antenna links

You may be interested on some of these topics too

Multiband Wire Antenna Videos

from the DXZone.com Youtube Channel


Any one of these basic antennas can be built for both home or field use.  Good luck in your next antenna project.

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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