Antenna Design and Integration Fundamentals

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An excellent introduction to antenna design basics and how to use six fundamental parameters to maximize antenna performance.

Here are some general comments from the video producer:

Six key antenna parameters are discussed to assist with antenna selection, antenna integration and antenna design. Antenna implementation is critical to the performance of any wireless product. Design your mechanicals around the antenna to provide ample room for the antenna and ground plane so that the antenna can radiate properly. Be sure to impedance match off-the-shelf antennas and tune custom antennas in-situ, as they will likely be de-tuned once integrated into the device due to ground plane effects, batteries, plastic enclosures and even human tissue for wearables. Learn more about Digi Wireless Design Services here:
Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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