You asked for it: A tour of the NK7J Antenna Farm

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This is post 2357 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas.

If you had enough space to erect the HF antenna of your choice, what would it be?  If you're NK7J, you would design, build, and use a 4-Square Antenna.

In this cleverly produced video, NK7J takes us through the entire antenna project.  Of course, such an antenna requires a bit of time and perhaps some additional help from your ham community.  But, the effort will be worth it!

Also included are several other antennas, including a mention of his 3 beverage antennas (great for receiving MF and HF signals).

Here are some general comments from NK7J:

Have had multiple requests to see the antennas here on the homestead. So here is a quick peak at them. The one thing I forgot was the 3 beverage antennas. Email:
Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).



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