DIY VHF ANTENNA TUNER made from junk. Post 2091.

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Thanks to "crookedninja5" for this simple, useful antenna "tuner" for the 2-meter amateur/ham band.

"Crookedninja5" says the idea for this project came from a desire to make his homebrew coat hanger VHF antenna more broadband.

Here are some of the steps used by this radio amateur to make this homebrew antenna "tuner":

"I needed something to make my clothes hanger antenna a little more broad-banded in the 100-200 MHz range, so I made a simple antenna tuner from junk... this would work for scanners too.... The variable capacitor can be any 0-365 pf capacitor... for c1 and c2 a ceramic or trimmer capacitor can be used... c3 and the coil is all you really need... About 8 or more turns on the inductor coil with taps spaced out every other turn. The rotary switch is from a old indoor antenna... everything in this vid was from a junk box, except for the RadioShack enclosure. Once you get the right combination of coil inductance and capacitance you'll see a difference it makes to your signal reception. This setup can also be used for SWL in the 3-30 MHz range with a 1" diameter coil of 120 turns and a random wire antenna! The bigger your coil the lower you can go!"

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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