Easy-Up Dipole for 60-Meters And? Post 2090.

Easy-Up Dipole for 60-Meters And?
Link:  https://www.eham.net/article/43734.
Author:  Norman Sullivan (NZ5L).

If you want a new and interesting daytime QSO, check out the 60-Meter Amateur Radio Band (5.332 MHz to 5.405 MHz).  With a simple dipole or inverted V antenna, you can get reliable contacts out to approximately 300 miles/486 km, depending on propagation.

The 60-Meter band is perfect for local, state, and regional communications, and lends itself to ARES and RACES operations.

Although there are few commercial antennas made for the 60-Meter band, you can easily build a dipole or inverted V antenna for this band with locally made materials.

In this post, Norman Sullivan (NZ5L) takes us step-by-step through the construction of this simple HF antenna.  If you haven't tried the 60-Meter band, "you are missing out on a lot of pleasant mid-range daytime QSOs."

For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites:

https://paper.li/f-1576465810 (breaking amateur/ham radio news).

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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