Homebrew dual band vertical dipole for 2m & 70cm. Post 1990.

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Thanks to KG7TUO for this intriguing vertical dipole antenna for the 2 m and 70 cm amateur radio bands.  This antenna is perfect for deed-restricted housing or for portable operations.  Most of the materials can be found at the nearest home improvement outlet, electrical supply warehouse, or neighborhood hardware store.

Here are some of KG7TUO's comments about the antenna:

NOTE: Comparative testing of this antenna against one without the "choke" showed that the choke is NOT needed. Homemade vertical dipole for HAM 2 meter and 70 cm bands. With 1 watt, it will reliably hit a repeater 29 miles away (furthest repeater not blocked by terrain). The Elmer that checked this antenna for me said "don't touch it, put it up". SWR across the 2 meter band is 1.1 to 1.4 with most of the band covered at 1.2 or below and 1.1 or less from 146.0 up. SWR on 70 cm (420-450 mhz) is 1.7 or less through 433.5, 435.5 through 441.5, and 445 through the top of the band. 435 to 435 tops at 1.9 and 442 to 445.5 tops at 2.2. This is with ZERO tuning done, just tested as built and then deployed. I hope to make another set of elements and tune them for better 70cm performance. The lengths, measured from the outside of the bottom bend, are: 6 1/4" for the 70cm side 18 5/8" for the 2m side

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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