Simple Ham Radio Antennas--Camping with Ham Radio. Post #862.

If you're having trouble viewing this video, please insert this title link into your browser search box:  Ham Radio and camping are a perfect way to get in touch with nature and enjoy worldwide contacts away from urban distractions.  In this video from "Tinker John" (W5CYF), we learn just how simple a field- portable amateur radio station can be while getting some good contacts in the process.  In "Tinker John's" camping station, he uses a MFJ-9420 20-meter QRP rig, a home made dipole antenna supported at 20-feet/6.09 meters, an antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner"), and a sealed lead-acid battery delivering 12 volts at 7.5 Ah.  My portable station is similar, but, instead of the MFJ-9420, I use an even older Yaesu FT-7 QRP rig. Like "Tinker John", I've made many interesting contacts during my hikes to the woods and nearby state parks.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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