Simple Ham Radio Antennas--472 kHz Antenna. Post #620.

472 kHz Antenna
Accessed on 07 December 2015, 21:30 hrs, UTC.
Author:  George Smart (M1GEO).

In this post, George Smart (M1GEO) continues his work in the 630 meters section of the RF spectrum (472 kHz to 479 kHz).  In post #619, George described a simple, low-powered transmitter for 472 kHz.  In this article, George designs, builds, and tests a 472 kHz antenna that can be squeezed into your backyard.  George provides a basic design, calculation formulas, and graphs of antenna performance for his location.  Build this antenna and its low-powered transmitter, so you'll be ready when the FCC releases 472 kHz-479 kHz for radio amateurs in the United States.

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