Simple Ham Radio Antennas--10 Ultra Stealth Antenna Designs For HOAs. Post #640.

10 Ultra Stealth Antenna Designs for HOAs
Accessed on 28 December 2015, 23:46 hrs, UTC.
Author:  KC8VWM.

I ran across this article while I was searching for stealth antenna ideas.  This list of super hidden antennas may be useful for those radio amateurs operating in deed-restricted homes or apartments (HOAs/CC&Rs).

Here's the list:

Solar-powered light pole antenna.
Disguised Portable AM/FM radio dipole.
Purple Martin birdhouse antenna.
Fishing rod prop antenna.
The tire swing vertical antenna.
The badminton net antenna.
The bicycle prop antenna.
The patio umbrella antenna.

Perhaps one of these antennas can help you get on the air.  Good luck!

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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