KH6JRM's Amateur Radio Blog

One of the things I've been looking for in this tight
economy is a good, reliable back-up rig that could
be used while I repair my other two "ancient" rigs
(Swan 100-MX and Yaesu FT-7).  One of my
fellow broadcasters across town dropped off an
old Kenwood 520 that once belonged to his wife's
father, a Hilo ham that died a few years ago.  Using
a temporary hook-up, I found the old rig is in excellent
shape.  The original finals are a bit soft, but can still
put out 50-60 watts on 20 meters.  The rig came with
the MC-50 mic and a Heathkit power/swr meter.  All
told, an excellent acquisition.  I'm looking for the 12-
prong ac plug and cord.  If you have one, let me know
at or at  Right now,
I'm running the old 520 with a jury rigged set up. I'll let
you know how my back-up station is developing.  With
the economy being like it is, a new rig is out of the question
for now.  While I'm restoring the 520, there are a few antenna
ideas in the works which will improve the simple verticals and
loops I currently use.  Your suggestions will be welcome.  Have
a good weekend.  73 de Laupahoehoe, KH6JRM.


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