
Ham Radio antennas in an HOA environment. Post 2127.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: If you live in a deed-restricted property governed by HOAs and CC&Rs, then this video from "hamradiocomms" may help you get on the air. According to "hamradiocomms", his HOA restrictions aren't too oppressive, so some types of antennas can be erected: "Today on HamRadioComms I show my 1st HF antenna and 2m/70cm installation at my new down sized house in an HOA community. Vertical antennas are allowed here, and discreet wires. I'll be posting more videos about the new antennas I put up here." ------ For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: https://hamradiohawaii.wordpres

Rugged Radios: How to Install a UHF Connector

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: This is Post 2126 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. After several burned fingers and "cold" connections, I finally learned how to install UHF connectors on my coaxial cable feed lines.  Save yourself a painful burn and questionable connections by viewing the concise, easily understood tutorial from "Rugged.Radios." Here are some additional notes from the video that may help you avoid the soldering mistakes I've made: "This quick tutorial video will walk you through proper installation of a UHF connector to your coax antenna cable. Whether you're old one is damaged or you need to shorten the length of your existing antenna coaxial cable, this is an important tip for anyone working with radios. The UHF connector is a standard connector used for all Rugged Radios 2-way radios. Whether you'

VK2PRC Half Wave End Fed Vertical Antenna for DX.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: This is Post 2125 of a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Thanks to Alex (VK2PRC) for this excellent tutorial on building and testing a half wave end fed vertical antenna for 20 meter DX. Although propagation on the higher HF bands has been marginal, there is enough DX on 20 meters to make this project worthwhile. In this video, Alex takes us step-by-step through the design, construction, and testing phases of this useful, easy-to-make vertical antenna. Here are some additional notes from Alex that will help simplify the project: "A complete step by step guide for, making and tuning a 20 Meter HWEF vertical antenna including impedance matching coupler. If you are unable to make one for yourself, email me and I'll make one for you. NOTE: 1mm enameled wire MUST be used, NO other size!!!!!!! The common mode

#2 TEST: MINI 9:1 UNUN and 41m long Random Wire Antenna (part 3)

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: this is Post 2124 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. In this video, Paul (OM0ET) makes some final adjustments to his mini 9:1 UnUn and lengthens his random long wire antenna to 41 meters (134.48 feet).  He also attaches a better ground wire to his system.  Here are some of Paul's results: "Today I did a second test of my home made MINI 9:1 UnUn and 41m long Random Wire Antenna. I was finally successful and had in total 6 nice QSOs with 5W and small XIEGU X5105 transceiver. The test took one hour, including installing and removing the antenna. One QSO on 40M band was not recorded. PART 2: PART 1: I will very appreciate if you will support my work and you became to my patron on Patreon ;-) Thank you very much for watching m

#1 TEST: mini 9:1 UnUn Random Wire home made Antenna (part 2)

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: This is post 2123 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. In this video, Paul (OM0ET) finishes his new mini 9:1 UnUn and begins testing the device "in the field." Here are some of Paul's observations: "I was tested my home brew mini 9:1 UnUn with random wire antenna 17,68m long. I was located in north-east part of Slovakia about 350m a.s.l. Radio propagations was poor. I ran 5W with XIEGU X5105 transceiver. I had just one QRP QSO today with SP1MVG/FF. I was not using the grounding on my UnUn. I will very appreciate if you will support my work and you became to my patron on Patreon ;-) Thank you very much for watching my videos! 73 Paul OM0ET" -------------- In part three, Paul makes some adjustments and has better results. ---------- For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio ne