
Showing posts with the label Cheap

Small, cheap, efficient vertical antenna for 40m

  Erecting a full-sized 40 meter vertical antenna can present a challenge if you live on a small urban lot or are subject to HOA or other deed restrictions. In this well-paced, informative video from Colin (MM0OPX), we see how "linear loading" on a short mast can deliver almost the same performance as a full-sized 1/4 wave vertical antenna. Like all 1/4 wave verticals, be sure you have a decent ground radial system to complement the vertical element of your antenna. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM). Here are a few comments from Colin (MM0OPX): Demonstration of a linear loaded 1/4 wave vertical amtenna that shows (at least) in modeling that it is as efficient as a full size 1/4 wave. What do you think? Let me know in the comments below. Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript MM0OPX Field Radi

Small, cheap, efficient vertical antenna for 40m.

  Here's another fascinating antenna idea from Colin (MM0OPX). In this video, Colin shows how linear loading can reduce the size of 40 meter vertical antenna without compromising performance. This modification should appeal to radio amateurs who live on small urban lots or other land-restricted properties. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM). Here are some comments from Colin (MM0OPX): Demonstration of a linear loaded 1/4 wave vertical amtenna that shows (at least) in modeling that it is as efficient as a full size 1/4 wave. What do you think? Let me know in the comments below. Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript MM0OPX Field Radio 5.28K subscribers

Cheap, compact 160m antenna ideas

The 160-meter Amateur Radio Band is a fascinating slice of the RF spectrum.  Unfortunately, antennas for the "Top Band" tend to be large and a bit unwieldy. In this video from Callum (M0MCX), we learn about several reduced length 160-meter antennas that can used where space is at a premium. Included in this list are the inverted L, sloper, loaded vertical, compact dipole, and the Halo/Loop antennas. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Callum (M0MCX): I need a 160m Antenna. Let's look at Inverted L, Sloper, Loaded Vertical a Compact Dipole and the Halo (loop). Let us consider the problem, walk the area and discuss how each would work. Linear Loaded Dipole:     • Small Cheap Linear Loaded 80m Dipole   73, Callum. More videos: ▶️     • Antenna Modelling   Antenna Modelling ▶️     • Tips and Tricks   Tips and Tricks ▶️     • Antennas   Antennas

Cheap, effective Moxon Beam Antenna for 10 , 11, 12 meters

The antenna design popularized by the late Les Moxon (G6XN) is quite popular with radio amateurs on the higher HF bands (20 meters through 10 meters). In this video from Colin (MM0OPX), we get a thorough introduction to the theory behind the Moxon Antenna, as well as practical suggestions on building this outstanding HF antenna. Colin also supplies a parts list for this antenna. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are a few comments from Colin (MM0OPX): Apologies for the video quality, my computer is creaking at the seams while rendering. This is an overview of my 10m Moxon project. This can easily be adapted for use on 12m or 11m. Here is the link to the bill of materials for this project - note I am still adding to this so please check back. Here is a link to the tube drilling jig I used Tha